Published: March 19, 2015

A Truck Bombing Resulted 42 casualties in Basra



<The Iraqi police is investigating the site where a truck bomb exploded in Basra, Iraq.>

At least 12 people were killed and 30 others injured by a car bomb explosion in a garage in southern Basra province.

The Mayor of Al-Zubir district, Talib Al-Hasuna said that "12 people were killed and 30 others injured by a car bomb explosion in a garage which is 11km away from Um Qasr and 12km from Safwan," and "The explosion made a huge destruction in the nearby trucks."

"The explosive experts went to the location to investigate whether one or more trucks exploded," he concluded.

The Um Qasr port is currently closed to any heavy vehicles

Article published on March 19, 2015

Source: Iraq News


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